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Entry Routes to CIMA

understanding cima Jan 26, 2022
The CIMA institute prides itself not only on its curriculum and market standing, but also on the fact that it is extremely intuitive towards student needs. It understands that not everyone who pursues the course is at the same stage of their careers. Hence, not everyone has to go through the same set of exams and evaluation system to get the degree. It’s more about producing worthy professional than about producing professionals who were great at scoring in 16 exams. Keeping all this in mind, CIMA has multiple entry routes to be used in multiple situations. In this article, we are going to be discussing some of these entry routes to help you decide which one is the best suited for you.


1. Undergraduate and Graduate Route

All graduates are exempted from appearing for the Certificate Level of CIMA. Apart from this, students from multiple recognized universities can claim exemptions and enter through a fast route. You can check the exemptions for your university by clicking here.


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Understanding CIMA - What is it and why to do it?

understanding cima Dec 28, 2021


The world is changing rapidly and so is the professional scape.  Making a career today is a lot more confusing than it used to be, with infinite options. Accounting and Finance once directly implied doing Chartered Accountancy. But today, things have changed. With a wide plethora of unique traits (like, course content, delivery methods, market value, etc), each course offers something of its own. Out of the many alternatives available, one amazing course to consider and evaluate is CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants). On successful completion of the course, you get offered the CGMA (Chartered Global Management Accountant) designation. Which is globally recognized and valued.





CIMA is a four-level course with a total of 16 exams. The certificate level is exempted for anyone with a bachelor’s degree and the real magic begins from the operational level. You’ll find plenty of information about what ...

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